22 abril 2015
Los difusores de emisarios submarinos contribuyen a aumentar la biodiversidad
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Ese trabajo científico ha sido publicado en la revista especializada “Water Research” tras el análisis durante ocho años de los posibles efectos de los vertidos de la desalinizadora de San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia), según ha informado el investigador principal, José Luis Sánchez Lizaso.
21 abril 2015
Nissan se sumerge en el océano
Nissan colaborará con la Agencia Japonesa de Ciencias Marinas y Tecnología (JAMSTEC) y con Topy Industries para que estas instituciones utilicen la cámara de visión 360º de Nissan –Around View Monitor (AVM) en sus descubrimientos de los océanos. Los vehículos operados por control remoto usarán el AVM que evitarán obstáculos y navegarán por el fondo marino con más facilidad. El AVM es una de las tecnologías básicas que utiliza Nissan en el desarrollo de su vehículo de conducción autónoma.20 abril 2015
Nuevos cursos de Barcelona Ocean
1. Topics in the History of Oceanography. The study of key topics and concepts, recent and historical, in oceanography through selected scientific papers. A selected list of topics in all areas of oceanography are going to be proposed to be addressed. This will be done through key papers. Each student will select one key paper and develop the ideas presented in the paper and the influence the paper has had or is having in the field. Each session will consist of an introduction of the topic by the lecturer and a presentation by the student, followed by a general discussion of the topic. Total session duration: 2.5 h.
Applying to KAUST
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (http://www.kaust.edu.sa) has been established as a world-class international graduate level science and technology research university dedicated to inspiring a new age of scientific achievement in the Kingdom that will also benefit the region and the world.Inaugurated in early 2011, with the striking blue waters visible from its laboratory windows, the Red Sea Research Center is well-positioned and well-equipped to study the Red Sea with state-of-the-art facilities and world-class researchers. The Red Sea Research Center has delved into the volume of research necessary to formulate a comprehensive understanding of the Red Sea to conserve its rich ecology. The incredible biodiversity of the Red Sea holds untapped potential and serve as models for understanding biological systems and adaptation to extreme environments. The Red Sea Research Center is committed to developing an integrated understanding of coral reef ecosystems and their oceanographic context, the physical, chemical, biological, and geological environment, the stresses arising from natural as well as anthropogenic factors including overfishing pollutions, coastal development, and global climate change (http://rsrc.kaust.edu.sa).
Euromarine ha lanzado la convocatoria 2015 para propuestas de Workshops y Formación
Euromarine lanza una única convocatoria para 2015 de varias categorías de actividades (para realizar en 2015 o 2016).
El presupuesto que actualmente está asegurado y que se asigna a las solicitudes es de 100.000 €. (El Comité Directivo de Euromarine podría decidirá sobre su aumento en un momento posterior y dentro de los límites del presupuesto general).
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