10 mayo 2014

150 Becas de la PSF en Portugal

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Research Grant by the Portuguese Science Foundation is opened from 5 May 2014 to 17h00 (Lisbon time), 16 June 2014.

The FCT Investigator programme aims to support the recruitment of outstanding researchers into Portugal’s R&D centres. Open to all nationalities, the highly competitive programme targets scientists with exceptional track-records and clear potential to develop innovative research.

To date, 369 new FCT Investigators have been selected, in two calls (in 2012 and 2013). Following these two editions of the Programme, FCT launches the 2014 call for funding of up to 150 FCT Investigator Grants.

Eligibility: All researchers holding a PhD degree, of any nationality, and in any research or academic field may apply.

All the necessary information is at: http://www.fct.pt/apoios/contratacaodoutorados/investigador-fct/2014/index.phtml.en

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