26 abril 2012
La Reunión Internacional sobre Islas Oceánicas se celebrará en El Hierro

International Meeting on Oceanic Islands: Volcanoes & Society
10-15 October 2012
El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain
The International Workshop on Oceanic Island Volcanoes & Society: El Hierro 2012 is an international volcano meeting for commemorating the 1st anniversary of the 2011-12 submarine eruption off the southern coast of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain). This workshop is planned as an international forum for specialists working on active volcanic islands to discuss about reducing volcanic risk. Many oceanic and active volcanic islands are facing higher levels of vulnerability and exposure to more risk because of increasing population. Therefore, island communities need to conduct a systematic program for volcanic islands by assessing the risk of future volcanic activity and its effects as well as implementing all the recommended actions for reducing volcanic risk.
Scientific and technical discussions will be mainly related to volcanic risk management on oceanic and active island volcanoes as well as to enhance know-how exchange to understand and improve the multi-disciplinary initiatives for reducing volcanic risk in islands. A special session of this workshop will be related to the 2011-12 submarine eruption off the southern coast of El Hierro and its impact on the island community. The International Workshop on Oceanic Island Volcanoes & Society: El Hierro 2012 will be also an ideal forum to discuss about the plus side of living in active volcanoes since the short-term hazards posed by volcanoes are strongly balanced by benefits of volcanism over geologic time. Volcanoes are becoming very popular worldwide because of the beauty of their landscapes, the possibility to experience closely the force of nature and the cultural wealth of the communities living on volcanoes. Therefore, an additional special session on this workshop will be related to volcano tourism since the economies of many volcanic islands in the world are underpinned by tourism.
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