20 abril 2015

Nuevos cursos de Barcelona Ocean

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Barcelona Ocean
Barcelona Ocean ofrece los siguientes cursos que se realizarán próximamente:

1. Topics in the History of Oceanography. The study of key topics and concepts, recent and historical, in oceanography through selected scientific papers. A selected list of topics in all areas of oceanography are going to be proposed to be addressed. This will be done through key papers. Each student will select one key paper and develop the ideas presented in the paper and the influence the paper has had or is having in the field. Each session will consist of an introduction of the topic by the lecturer and a presentation by the student, followed by a general discussion of the topic. Total session duration: 2.5 h.

2. A brief history of everything in Barcelona. Are you a newcomer on the city? How many times have you received foreign visitors and toured the city with him/her? In research we usually become temporary residents of unknown cities or have to host visitors willing to know the city were we live. The aim of this course is to provide you with a basic toolkit in order to understand the heritage of Barcelona in case you are a temporal resident or to become the perfect personal guide for your friends and colleagues visiting the city.

3. Biology, ecology and culture of cephalopod molluscs. This course will cover key aspects of the Cephalopod biology and ecology. The main topics will be: Form, function and biodiversity. Cephalopod reproduction, growth and life cycle. Early life stages biology, ecology and behavior. Importance of cephalopods in marine ecosystems. Their role as prey and predators. Expected adaptions to a global climatic change. Oceanic, deep-sea species and particular adaptions to the environment. Cephalopod culture. Main species cultured. Rearing techniques. Care and welfare of cephalopods under culture conditions.

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