15 septiembre 2014

Oferta de contrato predoctoral en sismotectónica

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Contrato predoctoral asociado al proyecto de investigación: Controls of inherited continental margin architecture on the deformation and kinematics of orogenic wedges in arc-continent collisions (Efectos de la arquitectura heredada del margen continental sobre la deformación y cinemática de cuñas orogénicas de colisión arco-continente Referencia: CGL2013-43877-P).

El mensaje que nos han enviado es el siguiente:

"We have an opening for a Ph.D. student in seismotectonics of Taiwan. The position description is broad, but we are looking for a person who is interested in structural geology and tectonics and its integration with various geophysical datasets, including seismic tomography, seismology, and potential field data. The position is for 4 years and will require completing a Masters degree. If the candidate already has a Masters degree, then they will enter directly into the Ph.D. program. The Ph.D. will be through the Faculty of Geology at the
University of Barcelona.


1) The candidate must be fluent in English and be prepared for extended stays in Taiwan;
2) have a strong academic record and, 3) have the requirements to enter the 2014/15 doctorate program at the University of Barcelona

Presentation: the on-line application will be open from the 10th to the 26th of September,2014, see the following link.

For more information about the project, please contact either

Dr. Joaquina Alvarez-Marron (jalvarez@ictja.csic.es)
Dr. Dennis Brown (dbrown@ictja.csic.es)"

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