28 julio 2013

Integrating New Advances in Mediterranean Oceanography and Marine Biology

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Symposium - Integrating New Advances in Mediterranean Oceanography and Marine Biology
Type: Conference
Nature: Of interest to / involving EUR-OCEANS scientists
The Symposium, sponsored among others by the Institute of Marine Sciences (http://www.icm.csic.es), will take place in Barcelona on Nov 26-29, 2013.

This Symposium aims at addressing recent scientific advances related to the marine sciences in the Mediterranean, especially from a dynamic cross-boundary perspective and with an outlook into future changes. Sessions will be plenary to foster cross-disciplinarity.

Each session will consist of invited talks and contributed talks and posters, and will have time allocated for overall discussion.

Registration will open on July 15, 2013, and the abstract submission deadline will be September 30, 2013.

Please refer to the symposium webpage for details.

Location: Barcelona, Spain
Start date: 26/11/2013
End date: 29/11/2013

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