05 octubre 2015
¿Quieres trabajar en biogeoquímica del Mar Rojo?
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology has been established as a world– class international graduate–level science and technology research university dedicated to inspiring a new age of scientific achieve mentin the Kingdom that wil lalso benefit the region and the world.Inaugurated in early 2011, with the striking blue waters visible from its laboratory windows, the Red Sea Research Center is well-positioned and well-equipped to study the Red Sea with state-of-the-art facilities and world-class researchers. TheincrediblebiodiversityoftheRed Sea holds untapped potential and serve as models for understanding biological systems and adaptation to extreme environments.
The Red Sea Research Center is committed to developing an integrated under standing of coral reef ecosystems and their oceanographic context – the physical, chemical, biological, and geological environment, the stresses arising from natural as well as anthropogenic factors including overfishing pollutions, coastal development, and global climate change.
This position is open for a Ph.D. student to develop the following project:
The metabolic balance of the Red Sea
Ph.D.Thesis to be co-supervised by Carlos M. Duarte and Susana Agustí. Full Professors at KAUST, Red Sea Research Center.
The metabolic balance i.e. the balance between production and consumption in the ecosystem, is an important property informing on the role of ocean biota as a sink or a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. The Red Sea is one of the warmest of all Seas,with surface water temperatures ranging between 28 and34ºC. TheRed Sea is, as the global ocean, warming with climate change. But climate change also involves changes in other aspects such as dust inputs to the Sea with consequences for the Red Sea productivity. This Ph.D. project will quantify the matabolic balance of plankton communities in the Red Sea, and will evaluate the effects of increasing temperature and dust inputs. Will involve the use of techniques based on dissolved O2, and stable isotopes as 18O and 13C to quantify production, consumption and metabolic balance.
This position is open for a Ph.D. student to develop the following project:
The metabolic balance of the Red Sea
Ph.D.Thesis to be co-supervised by Carlos M. Duarte and Susana Agustí. Full Professors at KAUST, Red Sea Research Center.
The metabolic balance i.e. the balance between production and consumption in the ecosystem, is an important property informing on the role of ocean biota as a sink or a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. The Red Sea is one of the warmest of all Seas,with surface water temperatures ranging between 28 and34ºC. TheRed Sea is, as the global ocean, warming with climate change. But climate change also involves changes in other aspects such as dust inputs to the Sea with consequences for the Red Sea productivity. This Ph.D. project will quantify the matabolic balance of plankton communities in the Red Sea, and will evaluate the effects of increasing temperature and dust inputs. Will involve the use of techniques based on dissolved O2, and stable isotopes as 18O and 13C to quantify production, consumption and metabolic balance.
Applicants for this position are expected to have a high GPA (>3.5 of a maximun of 4), experience and background knowledge in the field and impeccable English (oral and writing), and some experience in biological productivity and/or biogeochemistry.
PLEASESEND CV,LIST OF PUBLICATIONS,AND NAMES OF THREE REFRENCES before October 2, TO: paloma.carillodealbornoz@kaust.edu.sa
Successful candidates should apply to KAUST, indicating that they already have an offer from their supervisors (see below), as these positions are contingent on the students being admitted to KAUST.The application periods are:
Spring Round : now open - closing 8th-OCT-2015 . PhD starting January 2016.
See http://www.uca.es/ccmaryambientales/portal.do?TR=A&IDR=1&identificador=7524 for details on the application process.
All students admitted to KAUSTwillreceive a very generous fellowship for the duration oftheir graduate studies.ThebenefitsoftheKAUSTStudentFellowshipinclude:
• Fulltuitionsupport
• Monthly living allowance (ranging between $20,000-30,000 annual, depending on qualifications and progression through degree programs)
• Freehousing
• Medical and denta lcoverage
• Relocationsupport
• One return ticket home every year
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