12 febrero 2014

Taller sobre fondos europeos y la Estrategia Marítima Atlántica

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How to access and mobilise EU funds to pursue implementation of the Action Plan for a Maritime Strategy in the Atlantic area

The European Commission is organising a workshop on how to access and mobilise EU funds to pursue implementation of the Action Plan for a Maritime Strategy in the Atlantic area.

The objective of the workshop is to provide participants stakeholders in the Atlantic area with an improved understanding of how the proposed actions could be financed by directly managed and co-managed EU funds, and to share best practice in the preparation of Operational Programmes.

Date: Monday 17 February 2014 (9h30-17h30)

Location: Conference Centre A. Borschette (2nd floor, room AB-2D), rue Froissart 36, 1049 Brussels, Belgium


Live web streaming during the event

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