21 mayo 2012
MedCLIVAR 2012 Conference

MedCLIVAR 2012 Conference
Madrid 26-29 September 2012
The climate of the Mediterranean region: understanding its evolution and effects on environment and societies.
The conference aims to offer a forum for dissemination and discussion of recent progress in Mediterranean climate research and to integrate expertise and promote exchange of information between climatologists, on the one hand, and hydrologists, ecologists, social scientists, public health experts, economists and agronomists on the other.
The conference topics include the traditional focal points of the MedCLIVAR programme: paleoclimate of the Mediterranean region, synoptic climatology, circulation and mean sea level of the Mediterranean Sea, aerosol chemistry and climate, modeling of the Mediterranean climate system and the climate of the Mediterranean region in future climate projections. However, this year, special focus will be given to contributions on:
• Recent development in regional climate models and their evaluation
• Climate extreme events and their impacts
• Decadal and multi-decadal variability
• Seasonal to decadal climate prediction and associated impacts
• Global and regional teleconnections
• Marine climate projections for the 21st century and associated impacts
• Rapid climate change during the Pleistocene
• Climate instability during interglacials
Several key-note talks by internationally renowned speakers are planned.
1st April second circular
15th April- 1st June abstract Submission
1st July notification of acceptance
15 July Conference programme on line
1st May- 1st September: Registration
Information on the conference will be regularly posted on the MedCLIVAR website
Please send an email to Belén Rodríguez de Fonseca brfonsec@gmail.com if you want to receive updates on the conference.
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